Iam working with a phonegap app, i have used InAppBrowser in my project but when i clicked the link, xcode console shows the below error:
"Failed to load webpage with error: The requested URL was not found on this server."
and my code will look like:
<a href=”#” onclick='window.open(‘www.google.com',’_blank‘,’location=yes‘,’closebuttoncaption=Return‘);'>Click Here</a>
iam using xcode 4.5 and phonegap 2.7.0. I really got stuck, please help.
I believe that the correct form of this should be
<a href=”#” onclick="window.open('http://www.google.com', '_blank', 'location=yes');">Click Here</a>
This is based on the documented version from the PhoneGap 2.7.0 Documentation.
It appears that the closebuttoncaption=Return
parameter you have added is not actually in the specification.