I'm new to Seaside (and Smalltalk) as we are having to use this for a class. I'm looking for help trying to render a pie chart in Seaside using the Highchart package. I can get the chart to show up but it displays generic data labels of "slice". Does anybody know how to trace how to configure the charts properties?
renderBarChartOn: html
html div
highchart: [ :chart |
chart chart defaultSeriesType: 'pie'.
chart title text: 'Light On/Off'.
chart xAxis categories: #('1pm' '2pm' '3pm').
chart yAxis title text: 'Degrees Fahrenheit'.
(chart step
data: #(80 20))) ])
Have it working now with this:
html div
highchart: [ :chart |
chart chart defaultSeriesType: 'pie'.
chart title text: 'Light On/Off'.
chart series: (Array with: (chart step data: #(#('On' 80) #(#Off 20)))) ])
html div
highchart: [ :chart |
chart chart defaultSeriesType: 'pie'.
chart title text: 'Light On/Off'.
chart series: (Array with: (chart step data: #(#('On' 80) #(#Off 20)))) ])