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Architecture: using different classes on development / production

I'm interested about using 2 different classes in 2 different environment. Both classes should share the same structure (methods), but the one used in production would be "light", with less verifications or less funtionnality or different actions.

Example: a SQL query class which doesn't check the type/existence of fields. Other example: a error handling class who logs and doesn't display messages.

I presume a specific design pattern already exists, but I don't really know which one I should digg into.


  • This may just be me...but that's a really bad idea.

    You shouldn't have code running in live that you're not running in Development/Test. Otherwise, there's no way to verify that the code is working properly (other than, of course, pushing it in to production and crossing your fingers).

    For that reason, I don't think you're going to find a good example of what you're looking for.


    What you described is slightly different than how your original question reads. If that's the case, you can have your 'framework' read for a configuration file that specifies validation and logging levels. That way, your configuration file can differ between environments and still be running the same code base.