I am trying to set BackgroundImage of application in flex 4.6 By Creating Skin of Application.
<s:Skin xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
<!-- host component -->
<!-- states -->
<s:State name="normal" />
<s:State name="disabled" />
<s:State name="normalWithControlBar" />
<s:State name="disabledWithControlBar" />
<s:Group id="backgroundRect" width="100%" height="100%">
<s:VerticalLayout gap="0" horizontalAlign="justify" />
<s:BitmapImage source="@Embed('assets/css/1.jpg')" left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0" scaleMode="stretch"/>
It Display Background Image.but if i put any Component/Container in application then that Component/Container not Display on Application. Once i remove skin then only that Component/Container Display on Application.
Your custom skin does not have a Group called "contentGroup"
This is where Flex usually puts in all mxml-added components that should be displayed in a container.
Try adding:
<s:Group id='contentGroup' width='100%' height='100%' />
to your skin.
I think that will do.
In general it's often easier to take a copy of the original skin file and alter things in there rather than writing a new one. This way, you make sure, you don't forget anything important.