I have load tested basic jomsocial site (without external extensions) using JMeter for 200 concurrent users/threads.
That causes Database connection error.
We are already using jomsocial. Our site has 30,000+ members. During some specific time span, site gets traffic load. We observed that, site crashes for heavy traffic.
We will be having more online users in the future.
Few questions regarding the above scenario.
Any help is appreciated.
Both Joomla and Jomsocial offer a very high customization and are both feature rich, they will never be as optimized as a custom-written query.
That said, you should not have run into such limit yet.
Configuration/server Make sure
One last thing that will really boost your server performance is SSD drives.
Optimize code
Once that's done, turn on "slow query logging" in your mysql and find out which queries are the worst. Also turning on debug in the joomla frontend may give you a hint. The purpose is to find the modules / components which behave worst and manually optimize them. It's a natural process which all large sites run into sooner or later.
Eventually when you have thousands of concurrent users you will necessarily move some tables to mongo, usually the user feeds are the first but keep an eye on your site.