Django tends to fill up horizontal space when adding or editing entries on the admin, but, in some cases, is a real waste of space, when, i.e., editing a date field, 8 characters wide, or a CharField, also 6 or 8 chars wide, and then the edit box goes up to 15 or 20 chars.
How can I tell the admin how wide a textbox should be, or the height of a TextField edit box?
You should use ModelAdmin.formfield_overrides.
It is quite easy - in
, define:
from django.forms import TextInput, Textarea
from django.db import models
class YourModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
formfield_overrides = {
models.CharField: {'widget': TextInput(attrs={'size':'20'})},
models.TextField: {'widget': Textarea(attrs={'rows':4, 'cols':40})},
}, YourModelAdmin)