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Android Apps design resolution

I'm required to design an apps for android. And after some reading, I find out android device are divided into few categories in term of resolution, like

  • small screen
  • normal screen
  • large screen
  • extra large screen

but in different density.

So lets say, now I need to come out a design for normal screen, what resolution that I should use for the "look & feel" of the apps UI.

From the reading, I know android apps are use dp instead of px. So, is it means I have to convert few specific screen size to dp before I start to design ?

Or I just simply target a common resolution for normal screen size like 320x480, provided I will have few set drawable in different density ?

Please correct me if I had mistaken it.

Thank you


  • Good question, so far we have 5 screen densities : xxhdpi,xhdpi,hdpi,mdpi,ldpi , now if you have an image resource you will need to create 5 copies of it, its always recommended to start by the xxhdpi till you reach to the smallest,

    however you can use online calculators that will calculate the PX and DP for all the densities, i recommend these two tools android developer toolbox and developers tools, and with developers tools you can test the colors, and how are they going to look like in the screen in HEX decimal.