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How can I pass a User model into a form field (django)?

Basically, I need to use the User's password hash to encrypt some data via a custom model field. Check out the snippet I used here: Django Encryption.

I tried this:

class MyClass(models.Model):
    owner = models.ForeignKey(User)
    product_id = EncryptedCharField(max_length=255, user_field=owner)


    def formfield(self, **kwargs):
        defaults = {'max_length': self.max_length, 'user_field': self.user_field}
        return super(EncryptedCharField, self).formfield(**defaults))

But when I try to use user_field, I get a ForeignKey instance (of course!):

user_field = kwargs.get('user_field')
cipher = user_field.password[:32]

Any help is appreciated!


  • maybe something like this - override the save() method where you can call encrypt method.

    for decrypt you can use signal post_init, so every time you instantiate the model from the database the product_id field is decrypted automatically

    class MyClass(models.Model):
        user_field = models.ForeignKey(User)
        product_id = EncryptedCharField()
        ...other fields...
        def save(self):
            self.product_id._encrypt(product_id, self.user_field)
        def decrypt(self):
            if self.product_id != None:
                user = self.user_field
    def post_init_handler(sender_class, model_instance):
        if isinstance(model_instance, MyClass):
    from django.core.signals import post_init
    obj = MyClass(user_field=request.user) 
    #post_init will be fired but your decrypt method will have
    #nothing to decrypt, so it won't garble your input
    #you'll either have to remember not to pass value of crypted fields 
    #with the constructor, or enforce it with either pre_init method 
    #or carefully overriding __init__() method - 
    #which is not recommended officially
    #decrypt will do real decryption work when you load object form the database
    obj.product_id = 'blah' #field will be encrypted

    maybe there is a more elegant "pythonic" way of doing this