Here is the code I got up to and it has no errors but it doesn't seem to work. Can somehow tell me whats wrong with it?
Dim frmCurrentForm As Form
Dim wasFocused As Boolean = False
For Each frmCurrentForm In Application.OpenForms
If Not frmCurrentForm Is Nothing Then
Dim action As Action(Of Form)
action = Sub(form)
If form.Focused() Then
Dim failedLoginForm As New frmFailedLogin
failedLoginForm.setError("failed blah blah")
'failedLoginForm.Parent = form
failedLoginForm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent
wasFocused = True
End If
End Sub
If (frmCurrentForm.InvokeRequired) Then
frmCurrentForm.Invoke(action, New Object() {frmCurrentForm})
End If
If wasFocused Then
Exit For
End If
End If
Rather than using Focused, which I don't think works very well for Forms, try using Form.ActiveForm:
Dim frmCurrentForm As Form
frmCurrentForm = Form.ActiveForm
If Not frmCurrentForm Is Nothing Then
Dim action As Action(Of Form)
action = Sub(form)
Dim failedLoginForm As New Form2
failedLoginForm.setError("failed blah blah")
failedLoginForm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent
End Sub
If (frmCurrentForm.InvokeRequired) Then
frmCurrentForm.Invoke(action, New Object() {frmCurrentForm})
End If
End If