I am using Ubuntu 12.10 and recently have installed xampp 1.8.1. My problem is: images from server can not be shown which is look like as the following image :
look here is in my address bar I use localhost/madeTemplet/basicTemplet/templet03.html and I want to show image after Unsung heroes text but it only shown some link and not any image.
I use the following code for image ::
<div class="sideBlock unSung">
<h4>Unsung heroes...</h4>
<a href="#"> <img src="_images/1_full.jpg" alt="Midnight Run" width="99" height="135" /> </a>
<a href="#"><img src="_images/2d7y3ki.jpg" alt="Wyatt Earp" width="99" height="135" /></a>
But when I use the following :
look here is in my address bar I use file:///opt/lampp/htdocs/madeTemplet/basicTemplet/templet03.html and images are shown after Unsung heroes text.
After checking the permissions to access the directory where images are, I get this text in my terminal window ::
sabbir@sabbir-pc:/opt/lampp/htdocs/madeTemplet/basicTemplet/_images$ ls -l
total 300
-rw------- 1 sabbir sabbir 204067 Feb 24 2010 1_full.jpg
-rw------- 1 sabbir sabbir 75789 Nov 13 2009 2d7y3ki.jpg
-rw------- 1 sabbir sabbir 23692 Apr 21 2010 6AB32AE44600435B9DE0FB5EBA24A912.gif
Seems like you don't have permission to change information. So you have to change permission of that folder. you can do as shown below::
1) **cd **
2) **cd /opt/lampp/htdocs**
3) **chmod 777 * -R**