couldn't find a specific answer to that
Here is an Xml example for my problem
I want to get all the elements that have ChildNodes, and i don't want to get those who have simple text
I want to put into a list, in this example, Rectangle and Line.
But when asking .HasChildNodes to those nodes which contains simple text they return me True and as ChildNode[0].Name they return me "#text".
I can't simply asking .HasChildNodes, and i couldn't find other way to specify which node has a Node as ChildNode and which one has a "#text"
So i tried using XmlReader, this way:
XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(file);
while (reader.Read())
if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
This is returning me all Xml nodes, but i just want those who have a Node as ChildNode, how can i do that?
Thanks in advance
You can use linq2xml for that...
var xml = @"<wrapper>
var elements = XElement
.Where(o => o.HasElements);