So in MS Excel I've imported a table from a database in a SQL Server. I want to create a parameterized query where you have two cells. Say these two cells are G1 and G2. G1 takes a parameter/category and G2 takes a value from the parameter/category and queries the table you imported (essentially a WHERE clause that is dynamic from cell input). Can someone show me how to do this?
EDIT: Based on a chat session, we discovered that the first parameter is the column to be searched and the second parameter is the value to filter.
You can do what you want by filtering the table you imported.
Use the code below as your template. Modify it to reference the correct worksheets and ranges.
Sub FilterByParameter()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim dataSheet As Worksheet
Dim parameterSheet As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Dim filterColumn As Long
Dim filterValue As String
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
' sheet that contains your table
Set dataSheet = wb.Sheets("Sheet1")
' sheet that contains your parameters
Set parameterSheet = wb.Sheets("Sheet2")
' range that contains your table, hard-coded here
' but can easily be set dynamically
Set rng = dataSheet.Range("A1:F78")
' get the column you are searching
filterColumn = parameterSheet.Range("G1").Value
' get the value you want to filter on
filterValue = parameterSheet.Range("G2").Value
' turn off autofilters if set
dataSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
' autofilter using your column and filter
rng.AutoFilter field:=filterColumn, Criteria1:=filterValue
' now you can do whatever you want to with the rows
' that remain after the autofilter was applied
End Sub
See Efficient way to delete entire row if... for an example of how to use the visible rows.