Ok, the case is the following:
There is a form that has a some drop downs and multiple selection fields.
All fine by now, except that I have to do the search by property type to be and/or and not only or as for the rest of the form (or at least I believe it is or for the rest).
i.e. property type 1 && property type 2 && (subtype 1 || sybtype 2 || sybtype 3)
Another thing is that when selecting all subtypes, the results shown should be the same as if none are selected.
I really have no idea where to read or look at for more detailed tutorial on the search functionality provided by this plugin in regards to "and" searches.
What I have in my model is the following:
public $filterArgs = array(
//array('name' => 'price', 'type' => 'query', 'method' => 'filterTitle'),
array('name' => 'province_id', 'type' => 'value'),
array('name' => 'city_id', 'type' => 'value'),
array('name' => 'quarter_id', 'type' => 'value'),
array('name' => 'refid', 'type' => 'value'),
array('name' => 'to', 'type' => 'value'),
array('name' => 'price1', 'name2' => 'price2', 'type' => 'expression', 'method' => 'priceRange', 'field' => 'Offer.price BETWEEN ? AND ?'),
array('name' => 'area1', 'name2' => 'area2', 'type' => 'expression', 'method' => 'areaRange', 'field' => 'Offer.area BETWEEN ? AND ?'),
array('name' => 'type_id', 'type' => 'query', 'method' => 'ManyOrConditions'),
array('name' => 'subtype_id', 'type' => 'query', 'method' => 'ManyOrConditions'),
array('name' => 'feature_id', 'type' => 'subquery', 'method' => 'findByTags1', 'field' => 'Offer.id'),
public function ManyOrConditions($data = array()) {
$filter = $data['type_id'];
//not sure if this works
//$subtype = $data['subtype_id'];
$cond = array(
'OR' => array(
$this->alias . '.type_id ' => $filter,
//not sure if the below will work?
//$this->alias . '.subtype_id ' => $subtype
return $cond;
public function orConditions($data = array()) {
$filter = $data['type_id'];
$cond = array(
'OR' => array(
$this->alias . '.type_id LIKE' => '%' . $filter . '%',
//$this->alias . '.body LIKE' => '%' . $filter . '%',
return $cond;
Where it as I understand it is creating only "or" searches for the type_id ... sorry guys really am lost in this.
I am new to cakephp and so far have been able to read through thousands of lines of code and do a lot of changes to this system but here I just have no clue what to do due to lack of documentation on this plugin :(
I will appreciate any guidance to tutorials and/or proper documentation - not this one https://github.com/CakeDC/search.
If this is the right one though, please let me know what I am missing.
P.S. If you need any other code here, just let me know and I will provide it.
Thank you very much for your directions burzum. I finally understood it. Here is how I did it:
public function andTypeConditions($data = array()){
//The below two variables contain the data received by the submission of the form
$typeID = $data['type_id'];
$subTypeID = $data['subtype_id'];
//Define a variable $conditions to return. The conditions you can build according CakePHP manual for complex find conditions
if (isset($data['subtype_id'])) {
$conditions = array(
'Offer.type_id' => $typeID,
'Offer.subtype_id' => $subTypeID
} else {
$conditions = array(
'Offer.type_id' => $typeID
return $conditions;
For anyone that struggles with the same issue to clarify:
In order to do an "AND" search in cakeDC search plugin you need to create a method that you will later on assign to both (in my case two but if you have more , to all) fields like so:
public $filterArgs = array(
array('name' => 'type_id', 'type' => 'query', 'method' => 'andTypeConditions'),
array('name' => 'subtype_id', 'type' => 'query', 'method' => 'andTypeConditions'),
... the method itself contains the comments you need to be able to adjust it for your needs.