I am building a Mac OS Application which needs to import an mp3 file into iTunes...
Can't seem to find any framework that would help me achieve this. The only way I can think of doing this is modifying the "iTunes Music Library.xml".
I'm hoping one of you can point me to a better and cleaner solution.
Thank you in advance.
Ok, so after some research on Scripting Bridge, just like Andrew Madsen suggested. Here is the answer to my own question.
This has been implemented and tested...
Generate the iTunes.h file by writing the following in the terminal.
sdef /Applications/iTunes.app | sdp -fh --basename iTunes
Import the newly created iTunes.h file into your Mac OS Project and do an #import "iTunes.h" in the class you would like to use the Scripting Bridge in.
Use this code to add a song to iTunes:
iTunesApplication *iTunes = [SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@"com.apple.iTunes"];
iTunesTrack * track = [iTunes add:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:filePath]] to:playlist];
That is all to it.