If I have an association name as a string, is there a way I can get a handle on the association object?
For example:
o = Order.first
o.customer will give me the customer object that this order belongs to.
If I have:
o = Order.first
relationship = 'customer'
i would like to do something like:
customer = eval("o.#{relationship}")
I know eval is a terrible option and I should avoid it. What is the best way to do this (as eval does not work in this example).
I did have this working:
customer = o.association(relationship)
I later found out that the association is not part of the public API and should not be used. Because when I took a line of code I had higher up the page off (that referenced that relationship) it stopped working.
Any ideas would be awesome!
What about just doing this?
customer = o.send(relationship)