Is is possible to use a master layout when using Spark in the form of the Direct Usage Sample? I have tried using both in my layout with my master layout in the same folder as the calling layout and I have also tried adding the master layout as a template to the SparkViewDescriptor in the code below?
public class DefaultMessageBuilder : MessageBuilder
private readonly ISparkViewEngine _engine;
public DefaultMessageBuilder()
var settings = new SparkSettings()
var templates = new VirtualPathProviderViewFolder("~/Templates");
_engine = new SparkViewEngine(settings) { ViewFolder = templates };
public override void Transform(string templateName, object data, TextWriter output)
var descriptor = new SparkViewDescriptor()
.AddTemplate(templateName + ".spark");
var view = (TemplateBase)_engine.CreateInstance(descriptor);
view.ViewData = new ViewDataDictionary(data);
It look like for my particular situation where I want to have standard header and footer I can use file includes like this: <use file="~/Layouts/Master" />