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Rsync is not syncing properly?

So I run the command:

edmund@cat:/images/edmund/gallery$ rsync -rzvO --exclude='.svn' ./ [email protected]:/images/edmund/gallery/

My local directory is empty, while the directory on the remote server is full of pics. This is the result of running the command:

    sending incremental file list

    sent 24 bytes  received 12 bytes  5.54 bytes/sec
    total size is 0  speedup is 0.00

However, nothing is in my folder. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Could it be an SSH issue?


  • If you are on the local server which has no pictures you need to connect to the remote server. You need to reverse your syntax:

    edmund@cat:/images/edmund/gallery$ rsync -rzvO --exclude='.svn' [email protected]:/images/edmund/gallery/ ./ 

    Syntax is rsync [Source] [Destination]. See man page for rsync.