I want to create an arrow, that can be controlled with the keyboard!
Rotations on the xz-plain work great, but i can´t let it rotate by it´s own z-axis.
So i dont want to use the system axis, i want a axis relativ to the arrow!
from visual import *
from threading import Thread
class Pfeil(frame, Thread):
"modelliert einen Pfeil"
def __init__(self, pos=(0,0,0), axis=(1,0,0)):
frame.__init__(self, pos=pos, axis=axis)
selfpointer = arrow(frame=self, pos=(0,2,1), axis=(5,0,0), shaftwidth=1)
def tasten(self):
if scene.kb.keys:
if taste=='left':
self.rotate(angle=radians(5), axis=(0,1,0), origin=self.pos)
if taste=='right':
self.rotate(angle=radians(-5), axis=(0,1,0), origin=self.pos)
if taste=='up':
self.rotate(angle=radians(5), axis=(0,0,1), origin=self.pos)
def run(self):
while True:
Sorry for being too dumb to paste my code in here, so here´s a upload... Upload
Thanks for help, if you dont understand my problem, just comment pls!
You're just doing your transformations out of order.
You want to do a "local" transformation, which is very straightforward. Move the arrow back to the origin, do your rotation about the z axis, and then move it back to its original position.
This is easier done if you keep a local coordinate system for the arrow but this may be overkill for your purpose.