So I'm wanting to make a way to display the 2nd newest row from my database. So my example (To help better explain it) If i have 10 rows. I want to display only the second newest one. Not the newest one but the one right after it. Or the maybe even the third one. I have my working code below and i see the for each loop. But I'm not sure how to only display the one I'm wanting it to display. I also don't think how i have it set up is the most efficient way of acomplishing this.
I am using concrete5 for this site and the main idea is for composer so i can post a new post and the pull a recent news feed but showing the second post.
Here is my current code: (This shows the first post)
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
<div id="blog-index">
$isFirst = true; //So first item in list can have a different css class (e.g. no top border)
$excerptBlocks = ($controller->truncateSummaries ? 1 : null); //1 is the number of blocks to include in the excerpt
$truncateChars = ($controller->truncateSummaries ? $controller->truncateChars : 255);
$imgHelper = Loader::Helper('image');
foreach ($cArray as $cobj):
$title = $cobj->getCollectionName();
$date = $cobj->getCollectionDatePublic(DATE_APP_GENERIC_MDY_FULL);
$author = $cobj->getVersionObject()->getVersionAuthorUserName();
$link = $nh->getLinkToCollection($cobj);
$firstClass = $isFirst ? 'first-entry' : '';
$entryController = Loader::controller($cobj);
if(method_exists($entryController,'getCommentCountString')) {
$comments = $entryController->getCommentCountString('%s '.t('Comment'), '%s '.t('Comments'));
$isFirst = false;
<div class="entry">
<div class="title">
<a href="<?php echo $link; ?>" class="text-error"><?php echo $title; ?></a>
<h6 class="post-date">
echo t('Posted by %s on %s',$author,$date);
<div class="excerpt">
$a = new Area('Main');
if($truncateChars) {
$th = Loader::helper('text');
$excerpt = ob_get_clean();
echo $th->entities($th->shorten($excerpt,$truncateChars));
} else {
<div class="ccm-spacer"></div>
<br />
<div class="meta">
<?php echo $comments; ?> <a href="<?php echo $link; ?>" class="btn btn-danger"><?php echo t('Read the full post'); ?> <i class="icon-chevron-right"></i></a>
<hr class="blog-entry-divider"/>
<?php endforeach; ?>
To build upon what the others have written as comments:
What you've pasted is a concrete5 view. You'll notice there's no db querying or PageList building in there. For that, you need to look in the controller. (This looks like a page list block view, so the controller will be in / concrete / core / controllers / blocks / page_list.php (on c5.6+).
The concrete5 api code to do what the others have suggested (let mysql handle the skipping) is done within the ->get()
call. So, on about line 135:
$pl->get(1, 1);
Remember not to modify the files directly, but to override them the c5 way. There are plenty of tutorials on this on the c5 website.