I've tried to create a simple method to convert a string into a base-10 integer (in Python):
def strToNum(strData, num=0 ,numerals="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"):
return ((len(strData)==0) and num) or (strToNum(strData[0:-1], num+numerals.index(strData[-1])**len(strData)))
It doesn't seem to work. When I tested out 'test' as the string it outputted: 729458
. And when I used some online tools to convert, I got: 1372205
You can simply use int
>>> strs = 'test'
>>> int(strs, 36)
Or define your own function:
def func(strs):
numerals = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
return sum(numerals.index(x)*36**i for i, x in enumerate(strs[::-1]))
>>> func(strs)