I wanted an OCR solution for my project and I found ABBYY cloud OCR SDK interesting. I was just checking out a sample provided in the gitHub link. The project requires an applicationID and a password to authenticate in their server. I got the required credentials by registering in their site as a free trial. The problem is that I cannot authenticate. I get an empty authToken as response.
It gets crash here
NSString *installationId = [responseDictionary valueForKey:@"authToken"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:installationId forKey:kOCRSDKInstallationId];
These are from the sample project I used. I cannot figure out the reason for this.
Its an exceptional breakpoint at NSParameterAssert(self.installationId);
I get this on crashing
Assertion failure in -[OCRDemoClient activateInstallationWithDeviceId:success:failure:force:], /Users/meerajpai/Meera/OCR/ocrsdk.com- master/iOS/Pods/OCRSDKClient/OCRSDKClient/OCRSDKClient.m:98
Close look at the screenshot is available here
Here is the response
Printing description of responseDictionary:
"__name" = response;
"_xmlns" = "http://ocrsdk.com/schema/response-1.0.xsd";
"_xmlns:xsi" = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
"_xsi:schemaLocation" = "http://ocrsdk.com/schema/response-1.0.xsd http://ocrsdk.com/schema/response-1.0.xsd";
authToken = {
I am interested to know why cant I authenticate? Did I miss something ?
Thanks in advance
The issue occurs because of an error in the sample code. It should be fixed this week, the temporary solution please see in this post.