Code Snippet:
NSString *tempStr = self.consumerNumber.text; if ([tempStr hasPrefix:@"0"] && [tempStr length] > 1) { tempStr = [tempStr substringFromIndex:1]; [self.consumerNumbers addObject:tempStr];> }
I tried those things and removing only one zero. how to remove more then one zero
Output :001600240321
Expected result :1600240321
Any help really appreciated
Thanks in advance !!!!!
Try to use this one
NSString *stringWithZeroes = @"001600240321";
NSString *cleanedString = [stringWithZeroes stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"^0+" withString:@"" options:NSRegularExpressionSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, stringWithZeroes.length)];
NSLog(@"Clean String %@",cleanedString);
Clean String 1600240321