I'm trying to know if the video can be saved to camera roll of the Device.
I use Device -> Settings -> Privacy -> Photos to negate or give permission to save on Camera Roll.
on mergAVCamRecordingFinished pFile if mergAVCanSaveVideo(pFile) then answer "OK" else answer "NO" end if mergAVSaveVideo pFile end mergAVCamRecordingFinished
It answer me "OK" also if the video is not saved.
on mergAVCamRecordingFinished pFile mergAVSaveVideo pFile answer result end mergAVCamRecordingFinished
Here the answer dialog don't appears.
try mergAVSaveVideo pFile catch e answer e end try
Here the error is always the same, whether it can save whether it can't save:
634,0,0 string conversion failed 573,13,1,mergAVSaveVideo.
Any advice?
The answer is you found a bug. Thanks! I'll release a new version of mergAV ASAP. BTW mergAVCanSaveVideo is working out if the video is compatible with the photos album UIVideoAtPathIsCompatibleWithSavedPhotosAlbum so I'll add another function for this... mergAVCanAccessPhotoLibrary...