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mergExt - mergAV, trying to know if the video can be saved to camera roll

I'm trying to know if the video can be saved to camera roll of the Device.

I use Device -> Settings -> Privacy -> Photos to negate or give permission to save on Camera Roll.

  1. First I tried by check before to use the command mergAVSaveVideo:
on mergAVCamRecordingFinished pFile
   if mergAVCanSaveVideo(pFile) then
      answer "OK"
      answer "NO"
   end if 

   mergAVSaveVideo pFile
end mergAVCamRecordingFinished

It answer me "OK" also if the video is not saved.

  1. Then I tryed to use the results:
on mergAVCamRecordingFinished pFile
   mergAVSaveVideo pFile
   answer result
end mergAVCamRecordingFinished

Here the answer dialog don't appears.

  1. Then I tried to catch the error
      mergAVSaveVideo pFile
   catch e
      answer e
   end try

Here the error is always the same, whether it can save whether it can't save:

634,0,0 string conversion failed 573,13,1,mergAVSaveVideo.

Any advice?


  • The answer is you found a bug. Thanks! I'll release a new version of mergAV ASAP. BTW mergAVCanSaveVideo is working out if the video is compatible with the photos album UIVideoAtPathIsCompatibleWithSavedPhotosAlbum so I'll add another function for this... mergAVCanAccessPhotoLibrary...