I wonder if it is possible to shade the background of a typical matplotlib plot according to the data being plotted.
For simplicity, say we have:
Is it then possible to shade the background of the axes based on the y value?
The shading could be achieved by passing an array containing x and y to imshow such as:
imshow(array, cmap='hot')
although I want to have a line plot of x and y on top of this imshow figure.
Is this possible please?
Sure it's possible:
x = arange(1,5,0.01)
yarr = vstack((x,))
y = sin(x)
imshow(yarr, extent=(min(x),max(x), min(y),max(y)), cmap=cm.hot)
plot(x, y, color='cornflowerblue',lw=4)
The extent keyword matches the limits of the image to the plotted data.
This will give you: