Search code examples

How to get the current row number in an SQL Server 2000 query?

How do I get the row number in an SQL query using SQL Server 2000, where the ROW_NUMBER() function is not supported?


  • You can always try to use a temp table with an identity column

    DECLARE @table TABLE(
            [id] INT IDENTITY(1,1),
            Val VARCHAR(10)
    DECLARE @TableFrom TABLE(
            Val VARCHAR(10)
    INSERT INTO @TableFrom (Val) SELECT 'A'
    INSERT INTO @TableFrom (Val) SELECT 'B'
    INSERT INTO @TableFrom (Val) SELECT 'C'
    INSERT INTO @TableFrom (Val) SELECT 'D'
    INSERT INTO @table (Val) SELECT * FROM @TableFrom ORDER BY Val DESC
    SELECT * FROM @table

    Some of the best paging i have seen in Sql Server 2000 uses this pattern

    DECLARE @PageStart INT,
            @PageEnd INT
    SELECT  @PageStart = 51,
            @PageEnd = 100
    FROM    (
                SELECT  TOP (@PageStart - 1)
                FROM    (
                            SELECT  TOP (@PageEnd)
                            FROM    TABLE
                            ORDER BY <ID> ASC
                        ) SUB
                ORDER BY SUB.<ID> DESC
            ) SUB INNER JOIN
            <TABLE> ON SUB.<ID> = <TABLE>.<ID>