I have an activity which displays google map with some additional information. Also I have a service that downloads information from server and periodically informs activity that another portion of information is loaded using PendingIntent.
On Android 4.0.3 everything works fine. But on Android 2.3.4 map in activity blinks (goes grey and than reloads) every time service informs this activity.
Tried to track down if map is updated anywhere in onActivityResult, but it doesn't.
Any help appreciated. Here is some code:
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
if (requestCode == SERVICE_CACHED) {
String fmId = data.getStringExtra("cachedId");
if (dev.get(position).getId().equals(fmId)) { //we still viewing the same device
long[] dat = data.getLongArrayExtra("dates");
ArrayList<Date> dates = new ArrayList<Date>();
for (int i=0; i<dat.length; i++) {
dates.add(new Date(dat[i]));
addDates(fmId, dates, false, true);
//this is executed only once, as it meant to be
if ((dispDate.getText() == null) || (dispDate.getText().toString().isEmpty())) {
State state;
synchronized(DBHelper.class) {
state = DBHelper.getState(fmId, dates.get(0).getTime());
public void addDates(String fmId, ArrayList<Date> dates, boolean clear, boolean addTimesTo0) {
if (dev.get(position).getId().equals(fmId)) { //maybe user already changed selected device
if (clear) {
this.dates = dates;
} else {
this.dates.addAll(0, dates);
updDateSpinners(clear, dates, addTimesTo0);
Service informs activity using this:
private void cache(LinkedList<State> statsAll, LinkedList<Long> datesAll) {
if ((statsAll == null) || (statsAll.isEmpty()) || (datesAll == null) || (datesAll.isEmpty())) {
synchronized(DBHelper.class) {
DBHelper.addStates(statsAll, fmId);
//inform MapActivity that new data is available
long[] l = new long[datesAll.size()];
for (int i=0; i<l.length; i++) {
l[i] = datesAll.get(i);
Intent intent = new Intent().putExtra("cachedId", fmId).putExtra("dates", l);
try {
pi.send(CacheService.this, MapActivity.SERVICE_CACHED, intent);
} catch (PendingIntent.CanceledException e) {}
Doing some more testing I discovered that it's just map reloading itself on every onResume() call. How to stop it?
I put map in xml like this:
class="com.google.android.gms.maps.SupportMapFragment" />
And retrieve it in code later
GoogleMap map = ((SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(R.id.mapF)).getMap();
You shouldn't use onActivityResult
in this way from a service. Look into using a BroadcastReceiver
instead. Your Activity
class should register a broadcast listener, and your Service
should send a broadcast Intent
when new information is available.