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how to use magmi for importing in magento?

I want to import simple products by magmi, installed already and the csv created with one sample product, magmi can read it but not inserting it, the csv is the default but with media_gallery column i don't know what to check for plugins and what configuration should i use, the categories not created so i checked (On the fly category creator/importer v0.2.3) and (Image attributes processor v1.0.25), is there any way i can know more details about the reason the importing not working like a error log ? and simply how i can import via magmi ?


  • First of all, you can get most of the information on their website.

    After that you can run magmi with the command from your magento root directory:

    $ php magmi/magmi.cli.php -mode=xcreate -SKUF:matchfield=sku

    All the configuration should be in /magmi/config. The logs you're gonna find in /magmi/state

    That is the basic information you need to get started.