I often save a lot of data into a hash var, or get data according to the conditions. It is not convenient, so i want a module with which accessing data with SQL as a NoSQL. I found DBD::RAM, but is there a smaller module?
For example: a hash data like a MySQL table:
"table": "company",
"rows" : [
"name": "baidu",
"location": "China"
"name": "taobao",
"location": "China"
In general, inserting a record like this:
my %new_row = (name=>xxx, location=>yyy);
push (@{$hash->{rows}}, \%new_row);
If I do that, there will be a lot of hash variable, so I want to do it more like this:
$handle->insert('insert into company values("xxx", "yyy")');
my ($name, $location) = $handle->select_unqiue_record(<<"_EOC_";
select name, location from company where name="baidu"
I recommend https://metacpan.org/module/DBIx::DataModel.
Once you setup a Schema describing your target table - and you can do this automatically by reverse engineering - you can insert your hash directly like this:
my $table = $schema->table($table_name);
my $id = $table->insert($hash_ref);
In fact you can pass DBIx::DataModel an array of hash_refs (as per your question) and it will insert each of these for you. See the documentation at: https://metacpan.org/module/DBIx::DataModel#Insert