I have a person object that I am sorting:
persCriteria = criteria.GetExecutableCriteria(Session)
I also have an attribute called CommonName
What do i want? Well I want to be able to sort on CommonName
if the person has a CommonName
else sort on FirstName
Now I'm wondering is it possible to indicate via NHibernate that it should orderby CommonName
if the person has a CommonName
else order by FirstName
? And if so, how?
It is possible. We can use Conditional projection:
var conditionalOrderBy = Projections.Conditional
Restrictions.IsNull("CommonName") // or LastName, not sure from a question snippet
, Projections.Property("FirstName")
, Projections.Property("CommonName") // or LastName
var list = criteria.GetExecutableCriteria(session)
.AddOrder(new Order(conditionalOrderBy, true))
And SQL statement we get would be like:
ORDER BY (CASE when this_.CommonName IS NULL
THEN this_.FirstName
ELSE this_.CommonName END)