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In an ArrayCollection need to count the records in a field

Flash Builder 4, AS3.

In an ArrayCollection need to count the records in a field, for example need to know how many users have age of 25. This is the ArrayCollection dataProvider for my DataGrid.

In SQL is easy, just need the command: select age, count (age) from employees where age = '25';

But ArrayCollection tried several ways and could not, could someone help me?

Thank you very much!


  • This should work assuming the ArrayCollection has objects with a field age:

    var ac:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([ { "name":"test1", "age":25 }, { "name":"test1", "age":20 }, { "name":"test1", "age":25 } ]);
    var count:int = 0;
    for each (var item:Object in ac) 
        if (item.age == 25)