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How is tumblr's X-Tumblr-Content-Rating defined?

tumblr offers up an X-Tumblr-Content-Rating header from its webpages. How is that defined precisely? Is it hand-labeled by Tumblr? Do its users apply it?

$ curl -I 2>&1 | grep Content-Rating
$ curl -I 2>&1 | grep Content-Rating
X-Tumblr-Content-Rating: nsfw
$ curl -I 2>&1 | grep Content-Rating
X-Tumblr-Content-Rating: adult


  • Blog owners can flag their blogs as "NSFW" or as "adult" (at

    Flag as NSFW
    NSFW blogs may contain occasional nudity or mature/adult oriented content.

    Flag as adult
    Adult blogs contain substantial nudity or mature/adult oriented content.

    See Tumblr’s documentation about it:

    The Tumblr team might flag blogs, too:

    If you're not sure if you should flag your blog you can leave it unflagged, but keep in mind that we might flag it later if we see a lot of mature/adult-oriented content.

    Before Yahoo acquired Tumblr, blog owners could only flag their blogs as "NSFW" (and there was no documentation about it).