I try to delete entries in the database with the active records of Yii. But I think it works really weird. I want to delete all records of my table where vehicle_id = the given id and plug_id NOT IN (given string)
I tried a lot of ways and nothing worked but this
$query = "delete from `vehicle_details` where `vehicle_id`= ".$vehicle->id." AND `plug_id` NOT IN (".implode(',', array_map(function($item) {
return $item->type;
}, $vehicleDetails->plug)).")";
$command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query);
But why isn't this working???
array('vehicle_id' => $vehicle->id),
array('condition' => 'plug_id NOT IN (:ids)',
'params' => array('ids' => implode(',', array_map(function($item) {
return $item->type;
}, $vehicleDetails->plug)))));
Or this:
VehicleDetail::model()->deleteAll(' vehicle_id = :vehicleId AND plug_id NOT IN (:ids)', array('vehicleId' => $vehicle->id, 'ids' => implode(',', array_map(function($item) {
return $item->type;
}, $vehicleDetails->plug))));
But if I make and Find by attributes out of this query it works well and returns the correct data.
I hope you can explain it to me.
Your code does not work because of wrong arguments passed in the methods. Problems occur when YII tries to build CDbCriteria object using your array arguments. Fortunetly, you can build a CDbCriteria by yourself and pass it into methods directly. Guess in this particular case it will be easier to use a CDbCriteria object to solve the issue.
$dbc = new CDbcriteria();
$dbc->condition = 'vehicle_id = :vehicleId';
$dbc->params = array(':vehicleId'=>$vehicle->id);
function($item) {
return $item->type;
That is all you need.