I do have some idea about the database normalization and yet sometimes I think, that in some cases there is a more elegant solution than ONE DATA OBJECT = ONE TABLE pattern (I believe).
For example: storage of articles and static pages. The data are very similar and we could place them in one table using a simple identificator column and because of difference what data we are actually storing there would be some blank unused cols for every data type:
id | title(both) | author(article only) | content(both) | datetime(article only) | type(identificator - article/page)
Is this approach still correct or there should be table for each data no matter the similarities?
You're describing Single Table Inheritance. It's a legitimate pattern, see http://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/singleTableInheritance.html
Advantages include:
Disadvantages include:
constraints on subtype-specific columns, since they must be nullable.UNIQUE
constraints on subtype-specific columns may not be supported (depending on RDBMS implementation).You might want to read about alternatives, such as Class Table Inheritance (http://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/classTableInheritance.html).