I'm trying to develop some tests for Mason components which requires running them on the command line instead of the web server. When I try this, I get an error:
perl -MHTML::Mason::Request -MHTML::Mason::Interp -I./lib \
-e '$int = HTML::Mason::Interp->new( data_dir => "/home/friedo/cache", comp_root => "/home/friedo/comps" ); $m = HTML::Mason::Request->new( comp => "/dummy", interp => $int ); $m->comp("/dummy")'
Results in:
Can't call method "dir_path" on an undefined value at lib/HTML/Mason/ line 1123.
The error is thrown when the call to ->comp
is attempted. I can't figure out what's wrong with the configuration. The component is there and appears to be compiled just fine, and it works via Apache.
This is using HTML::Mason 1.35.
Edit: Let's try a bounty for this one. The alternative is me having to dive deep into Mason's guts! :)
Edit again: Thanks very much to David for pointing out the crucial detail that I missed for getting this to work.
This was actually for a test framework that needed to exercise a module that calls some Mason comps -- under normal operation the module is provided with a Mason request object to use for that purpose, but I couldn't get that to work offline. The key was using an Interpreter object instead, so I ended up doing the following, which is a little silly but makes the tests work:
sub _mason_out {
my $buf;
if ( $ENV{MASON_TEST} ) {
my $int = HTML::Mason::Interp->new( comp_root => $self->{env}->comp_dir,
out_method => \$buf );
$int->exec( $comp, %args );
} else {
my $m = $self->{mason_object};
$m->comp( { store => \$buf }, $comp, %args );
return $buf;
I think this fails because your Request object hasn't built a component stack at the point that it is called. Use the Interp->exec()
method instead as described in Using Mason from a Standalone Script
perl -MHTML::Mason::Interp -I./lib \
-e 'HTML::Mason::Interp->new( data_dir => "/home/friedo/cache", comp_root => "/home/friedo/comps" )->exec("/dummy")'