I have the following Visual Basic script that should move emails in my Inbox to specific folders but when I run it, nothing happens. I am very new to VBA so am a little confused as to why. Does anything stick out, or do you have any suggestions as how to find out why this is('nt) happening? Thanks!
Sub Move_Emails()
Set myNameSpace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myInbox = myNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(6)
Set myItems = myInbox.Items
Dim myItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim MailItem As Object
Dim sn As String
For Each MailItem In myInbox.Items
sn = MailItem.SenderName
If sn = "John Doe" Then
Set myDestFolder = myInbox.Folders("Folder1")
ElseIf sn = "Jane Smith" Then
Set myDestFolder = myInbox.Folders("Folder2")
ElseIf sn = "Bob Jones" Then
Set myDestFolder = myInbox.Folders("Folder3")
End If
Set myItem = myItems.Find("[SenderName] = sn")
While TypeName(myItem) <> "Nothing"
myItem.Move myDestFolder
Set myItem = myItems.FindNext
End Sub
You need to change the way you set your myItem variable
. In your code sn
is a variable and if you put it inside quotation marks it's not converted to real sender name. So, instead of this line:
Set myItem = myItems.Find("[SenderName] = sn")
use this line:
Set myItem = myItems.Find("[SenderName]='" & sn & "'")
Edit regarding possible problem according to comments below... When you check for the name in this way:
If sn = "John Doe" Then
you check for exact name of John Doe
including upper/lower cases. I suggest to change it in this way:
If Ucase(sn) = "JOHN DOE" Then
to avoid possible problems with names spelling. Do it for all checks in If statement
Edit 2nd... I have just realised that you use incorrect loop for moving elements. If you move one element to other folder as a result you change the order of your looping when using For each loop
. Therefore I suggest some more changes as described below in new complete code:
Sub Move_Emails_improved()
Dim myNamespace, myInbox, myItems ', myDestFolder- NEW CHANGED MOVED TO SEPARATE LINE BELOW
Set myNamespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myInbox = myNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(6)
Set myItems = myInbox.items
Dim myItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim MailItem As Object
Dim sn As String
Dim myDestFolder As Folder
'here you need different kind of loop
Dim i as integer
For i = myInbox.items.Count To 1 Step -1 'loop goes from last to first element
sn = myInbox.items(i).SenderName
'first possible problem
If Ucase(sn) = "JOHN DOE" Then
Set myDestFolder = myInbox.folders("Folder1")
'alternatively you could check name in this way
ElseIf UCase(sn) Like "*JANE SMITH*" Then
Set myDestFolder = myInbox.folders("Folder2")
ElseIf sn = "Bob Jones" Then
Set myDestFolder = myInbox.folders("Folder3")
End If
Set myItem = myItems.Find("[SenderName]='" & sn & "'")
'here we need to check if folder is not set
While TypeName(myItem) <> "Nothing" And And Not myDestFolder Is Nothing
myItem.Move myDestFolder
Set myItem = myItems.FindNext
i = i - 1
'and set destination folder to nothing to eliminate all problems
Set myDestFolder = Nothing
End Sub
Hope it will work now.