I'm writing a PowerShell script that deletes all but the X most recent folders, excluding a folder named Data. My statement to gather the folders to delete looks like this:
$folders1 = Get-ChildItem $parentFolderName |
? { $_.PSIsContainer -and $_.Name -ne "Data" } |
sort CreationTime -desc |
select -Skip $numberOfFoldersToKeep
foreach ($objItem in $folders1) {
Write-Host $webServerLocation\$objItem
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $parentFolderName\$objItem -WhatIf
This works great when I pass a $numberOfFoldersToKeep
that is fewer than the number of folders in the starting directory $parentFolderName
. For example, with 5 subdirectories in my target folder, this works as expected:
myScript.ps1 C:\StartingFolder 3
But if I were to pass a high number of folders to skip, my statement seems to return the value of $parentFolderName
itself! So this won't work:
myScript.ps1 C:\StartingFolder 15
Because the skip variable exceeds the number of items in the Get-ChildItem
collection, the script tries to delete C:\StartingFolder\
which was not what I expected at all.
What am I doing wrong?
try this:
$folders1 = Get-ChildItem $parentFolderName |
? { $_.PSIsContainer -and $_.Name -ne "Data" } |
sort CreationTime -desc |
select -Skip $numberOfFoldersToKeep
if ($folder1 -neq $null)
foreach ($objItem in $folders1) {
Write-Host $($objItem.fullname)
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $objItem.fullname -WhatIf