I'm using Scala's squeryl (version 0.9.6-RC1 with scala 2.10) and try to serialize my model to H2 database.
My model class has some string fields and some BigDecimal types (scala.BigDecimal).
I create database schema with Schema.create from my model classes, unfortunatelly squeryl always creates too small fields for BigDecimal, which leaves me with a value too long for column
"MULTPZ DECIMAL(20, 16) NOT NULL": "1000000.0000000000000000 (23)";
Is this some kind of bug in squeryl? The original value is "1000000.0000"
and is parsed into BigDecimal correctly.
I've tested the above situation, I've created a separate table with field defined as "DECIMAL(20, 20)"
and in that case squeryl tries to insert "1000000.00000000000000000000 (27)"
The easiest fix is to override the defaultSizeOfBigDecimal
method in your Schema. It returns a tuple containing the length and scale for the numeric column that holds a BigDecimal. You can also set those values on a per-field basis with the @Column annotation.