I'm looking for a way to close specific tabs in safari by the url. I would probably expand on something like this:
tell application "Safari"
repeat with t in tabs of windows
tell t
if name starts with "google.com" then close
end tell
end repeat
end tell
the problem here is that i haven't found a way how to get the url value of a tab and close them based on that.
You can get the URL from Safari based on the active tab.
tell application "Safari"
set w to first window
set t to current tab of w
display dialog (URL of t as string)
end tell
And then you could iterate over every tab/page like this :
tell application "Safari"
set windowCount to number of windows
repeat with x from 1 to windowCount
set tabCount to number of tabs in window x
repeat with y from 1 to tabCount
set thistab to tab y of window x
set foo to URL of thistab
if foo is not equal to "bar" then close thistab
end repeat
end repeat
end tell