According to Nominatim and MapQuest, the following end-points should provide the same data:
In fact
The Nominatim Search Service is similar to our MapQuest Search Service with its simple interface and powerful capabilities, but instead relies solely on data contributed to OpenStreetMap.
Therefore I would expect the two services to provide the same data, nevertheless the following query for the same coordinates (41.904163, 12.485597) yields different results:
NOTE: as of 12.44 PM UTC (July 1st, 2013) OSM is returning the same results as MapQuest. There are a couple of related discussions on GitHub:
This is a bug in Nominatim, which is going to be fixed:
Nominatim was no longer searching for objects below street level (house numbers, POIs, etc.) due to this commit. It only concerned the instance on
See issue #66 on GitHub: