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How do I handle getting [object] or None in Scala?

I'm implementing a Users table in Slick with a User class that extends SecureSocial's Identity trait. I'm having trouble converting from an optional not-storable-in-database type object to an optional primitive database type.

To refer to: Slick docs, SecureSocial docs (To generate API documentation for SecureSocial, pull from their Github, go into their "module-code" directory, and then run play doc. Then look in the module-code/target/api folder and open up index.html)

What I have

Take this parameter in a User case class:

oAuth1Info: Option[securesocial.core.OAuth1Info]

Where OAuth1Info's new instance constructor in the Scaladoc looks like so:

new OAuth1Info(token: String, secret: String)

Now in my * method (as explained here) :

def * = stuffs ~ oAuth1InfoToken ~ oAuth1InfoToken ~ moreStuff <> 
    ( // the following is the apply method
    { t => User(stuffs, 
        Some(OAuth1Info( (t._9).getOrElse(""), (t._10).getOrElse("")) ), 
    }, // the following is the unapply method
        (r: User) => Some( (r.stuffs, 
            (r.oAuth1Info).getOrElse(None).token , // ERROR
            (r.oAuth1Info).getOrElse(None).secret , // ERROR
            r.moreStuffs) )

What I'm trying to do

Insert in None to the database if oAuth1Info wasn't provided and

Option[securesocial.core.OAuth1Info] = None

Otherwise, take the OAuth1Info object and get the token and secret and store it to their respective columns in my database.

On top of this mapped projection being a 500+ character line, do I need to do some sort of

oAuth1Info match {
    case None: None
    case _: oAuth1Info.token

? Can a single-line pattern-matcher be possible? I am so lost in my code at this point...

Thanks for any help

If you'd like to see my full implementation so far...

Scala + Slick + SecureSocial = sadly tl;dr code

I know this code is a wall of text. Multiline Scala code would be awesome here if it exists? Pastebin


  • I haven't completely grasped the types in your original question, but the oAuth1Unapply method in your answer can be re-written as

    def oAuth1Unapply(smth: Option[securesocial.core.OAuth1Info]): (String, String) = => (oa.token, oa.secret)).getOrElse(("",""))

    The map method applies a function to the content of the Option if it is not None, and returns the result as a Some value, or otherwise leaves the result as None.