How could I have a program execute a target program, and then enter text into its stdin (such as raw_input.)
For example, a target program like this one:
text = raw_input("What is the text?")
if text == "a":
print "Correct"
print "Not correct text"
what kind of answer are you expecting?
Yes you can. But you will also put things on stdout that wouldn't be necessary if it is used in a pipe. Furthermore, you'll have to loop over raw_input
the same way you would loop over sys.stdin
to get input line by line:
while True:
text = raw_input("What is the text?")
if text == "a":
print "Correct"
elif text == "stop":
print "Bye"
print "Not correct text"
But as stated in the Zen of Python – PEP20, "There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it." and in your case, that would be to use sys.stdin
(Edit): as I may not have understood correctly what the OP is asking, to run another program from within a python program, you need to use subprocess.Popen()
import subprocess
text = "This is the text"
data = subprocess.Popen(['python', ''], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate(input=text)
print data[0]