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Pipe into raw_input() in Python

How could I have a program execute a target program, and then enter text into its stdin (such as raw_input.)

For example, a target program like this one:

text = raw_input("What is the text?")
if text == "a":
    print "Correct"
    print "Not correct text"


  • what kind of answer are you expecting?

    Yes you can. But you will also put things on stdout that wouldn't be necessary if it is used in a pipe. Furthermore, you'll have to loop over raw_input the same way you would loop over sys.stdin to get input line by line:

    while True:
        text = raw_input("What is the text?")
        if text == "a":
            print "Correct"
        elif text == "stop":
            print "Bye"
            print "Not correct text"

    But as stated in the Zen of Python – PEP20, "There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it." and in your case, that would be to use sys.stdin.

    (Edit): as I may not have understood correctly what the OP is asking, to run another program from within a python program, you need to use subprocess.Popen()

    import subprocess
    text = "This is the text"
    data = subprocess.Popen(['python', ''], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate(input=text)
    print data[0]