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ActiveDirectory User RemoteControl tab details?

I'm trying to figure out how to get some active directory details specifically from the "Remote Control" tab from a users properties.

Remote Control tab Screenshot

I'm able to find other details by using code similar to the following:

            //modify this line to include your domain name
            string path = string.Format("LDAP://{0}", domain);

            //init a directory entry
            DirectoryEntry dEntry = new DirectoryEntry(path);

            //init a directory searcher
            DirectorySearcher directorySearcher = new DirectorySearcher(dEntry);




            directorySearcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user))";

            //perform search on active directory
            searchResults = directorySearcher.FindAll();

            //loop through results of search
            Parallel.ForEach<SearchResult>(searchResults.Cast<SearchResult>().ToList(), searchResult =>
                // Any processing

But I haven't been able to figure out where the remote information is stored. Normally I used ADSI Edit and look for changes to the attributes as I modify them, but I haven't noticed anything changing. Could anyone point me in the correct direction?

I should mention that my domain function level and forest function level are both 2003.


  • In Windows Server 2008 (and R2), the Terminal Services Terminal Server Runtime Interface takes the user parameters from the user Active-Directory attribute called userParameters. As explain in Microsoft documentation userParameter contains Terminal Server parameter as blob (have a look to USERCONFIG structure).

    Edited : This is exactly the same on W2K3 R2.

    Here is the way to find the difference in the attributes when you check or uncheck something. I use LDIFDE.EXE tool.

    ldifde -f c:\temp\ph1.ldf -d "ou=Monou,dc=societe,dc=fr" -r "sn=hocquet"

    I uncheck the enable remote control

    ldifde -f c:\temp\ph2.ldf -d "ou=Monou,dc=societe,dc=fr" -r "sn=hocquet"

    The comparaison between ph1.ldf and ph2.ldf gives.

    InputObject                                                                   SideIndicator
    -----------                                                                   -------------
    whenChanged: 20130703130209.0Z                                                =>
    uSNChanged: 168396                                                            =>
    userParameters::                                                              =>
     dQcmVzZW5045S15pSx5oiw44GiGAgBQ3R4Q2ZnRmxhZ3Mx44Cw44Gm44Cy44C5EggBQ3R4U2h... =>
     44Cw44Cw44Cw44CwKgIBQ3R4TWluRW5jcnlwdGlvbkxldmVs44Sw                         =>
    whenChanged: 20120124083342.0Z                                                <=
    uSNChanged: 163184                                                            <=