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ASP.NET Crystal Report Print Automatically

I would like to know if exists the way to send a crystal report directly to the printer without print dialog. Ex. I have an page with a crystal report viewer and I want send to print once the report have been loaded into the viewer.

I saw an application what it is doing that but I don't know how that work.

I am using

  • Visual Studios 2010
  • Crystal Report for .NET Framework (Version=13.0.2000.0)
  • C# 4

if have a code sample (will be great!!!!)

I have read lot of resources in internet but nothing give me idea how to do what I need.

Thanks in Advance.



  • Good I did it

    I Just set this values to the ReportDocument.

    CrystalReportDocument.PrintOptions.PrinterName = "Printer Name"; CrystalReportDocument.PrintToPrinter(1, true, 1, 1);

    anyways I am open to other ideas and suggestion.