Alright, so I've got a fairly fresh Ubuntu (server) installation. Just finished installing the LAMP server and when I go to create a database I'm getting the generic syntax error (1064 / 42000).
My query:
Pretty simple and pretty standard, so I'm not sure what the issue is. Any ideas?
It looks from your error like you're trying to execute SQL on the command line, something like:
mysql -u mike -p CREATE DATABASE phpbb';
MySQL isn't going to like that, it separates the initiation of the tool from the SQL commands.
What I'd normally do for CREATE DATABASE, as it's a one off, I'd do it manually.
So start the tool with
mysql -u mike -p
This should prompt you for your password, and connect to the local database, giving you a shell prompt:
You then issue your
If you want to run scripts from the command line, put them in a file and redirect the input to mysql. Usually you'd redirect the output too - something like this:
mysql -u mike -p < mysqlscript.sql > outputofscript.log