Error 431 SQL71561:
Computed Column: [dbo].[ViewAlertFrequency].[BeginDate] contains an unresolved
reference to an object.
Either the object does not exist or the reference is ambiguous because it could
refer to any of the following objects:
or [Lookup].[dbo].[AlertFrequency].[BeginDate]
The current database is Lookup, so there shouldn't be any issues finding this object. This is imported from an existing view. It appears that the whole database is like this. I'm not sure what the :: syntax is.
Here is the view:
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[ViewAlertFrequency]
--used by: eobResolve
AlertFrequency.[ID] AS [ID],
AlertFrequency.Code AS Code,
AlertFrequency.[Name] AS [Name],
AlertFrequency.[Description] AS [Description],
AlertFrequency.[Rank] AS [Rank],
AlertFrequency.BeginDate AS BeginDate,
AlertFrequency.EndDate AS EndDate
Lookup.dbo.AlertFrequency AS AlertFrequency
AlertFrequency.[Rank] ASC
ON OBJECT::[dbo].[ViewAlertFrequency] TO [eobResolve]
AS [dbo];
You're using 3-part naming conventions in the "FROM" clause. Change "Lookup.dbo.AlertFrequency" to "dbo.AlertFrequency" and your problem should go away. I've had mixed results with this. Changing one of the DB options seemed to be enough to resolve those 3-part names, but I then ran into other issues with cross-database references (4-part names). I figured just changing the 3-part names to 2-part [schema].[object] naming would be the easier way to handle that.
The GRANT statement is just specifying that the permission is being granted to an object as opposed to a schema. I don't think that belongs in the object definition, but we handle our permissions in post-deploy scripts because they differ slightly from one environment to the next.