I've search the web high and low and haven't really gotten anywhere. I'm trying to connect to a STOMP server to gain access to some data feeds. I've found some Objective C wrappers but the documentation is non existant and the pre ARC code generates enough alerts to make my head explode.
I'm fairly new to this area and would really appreciate a point in the right direction. Is there some iOS API that will handle this? Or does someone else know of some ARC code that will do the job?
If you are looking for a library that works over sockets, the objc-stomp library is still no-ARC, but there are some forks that are ARC:
If you are looking for one that works over websockets I have done a fork of the same library that works over websockets https://github.com/nmaletm/objc-stomp (but at the moment is not ARC).
But remember that if the problem is ARC vs no-ARC, you can disable it for some files doing this https://stackoverflow.com/a/6658549/2412686.