I'm using angularjs with couchpotato for help with lazy loading. My question is how do I reference angularjs services like $http, $cookies in my service registered using couchpotato?
The normal angularjs way:
factory('MyService', function($cookies) {
$cookies.message = "hello";
How do I do the above using angularjs with couchpotato.js? Below is my service with couchpotato:
define(['app'], function(app) {
function() {
var factory = {};
factory.registerCookie = function(){
$cookies.message = 'hello';
return factory;
Of course the above wont work because I have no reference to $cookies in the factory.
Although the above example is specific to $cookies it is relevant to all angular services like $http, $rootScope etc.
Link to couchpotato.js: LINK
This is off the top of my head, but something like this
define(['app'], function(app) {
[ '$http', '$cookies',
function($http, $cookies) {
var factory = {};
factory.registerCookie = function(){
$cookies.message = 'hello';
return factory;
You could also look at this sample https://github.com/afterglowtech/angular-couchPotato/blob/master/samples/components-demo/js/lazy/controllers/myCtrl1.js which injects $scope