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Monticello repository not committing methods(resources) of WAFileLibrary subclass

I find that WAFileLibrary subclasses resource methods cannot be committed to Monticello repository. Is this normal? These resources have been added by the WAFileLibrary->addFilesIn: method. But when i try to create another method and then commit, i find that the new method gets committed and that i can load it on a different image without issues. So then i filed out the WAFileLibrary subclass , and removed it from the image, and then i again filed it in. After when i commit, all the resource method gets committed and its seems things are fine.

But why am i not able to commit it soon after creating the class , adding resources by addFilesIn: as such?


  • This is really unusual since resources are stored as methods. I do not see why you could not save them. What was the exact error message? Do you have a way to reproduce your problem? On which version are your working?