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Python requests urlencode not working?

EDIT: I figured out the problem. The # in #user_sex is not being converting to %23 by python requests. Is there a way to force python requests to convert # to %23 or will I just have to hand code that part?

I'm trying to make a facebook fql multiquery. When I use the fql_url below

fql_url = (
    '{"user_sex":"SELECT sex FROM user WHERE uid=me()",'
    '"friends":"SELECT uid, name FROM user WHERE uid IN '
    '(SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me()) '
    'AND not (sex in (SELECT sex FROM #user_sex)) '
    ' ORDER BY name"}'

and run requests.get(fql_url), the json returned is

{u'error': {
    u'code': 601,
    u'message': u"(#601) Parser error: unexpected '{' at position 0.",
    u'type': u'OAuthException'}

However when I hand code the fql_url as this

fql_url = (

everything works (the json has the desired data).

I've compared both the first fql_url and the hand coded fql_url and both should result in the same url being used to get the json. Is the requests urlencode not working or am I doing something wrong here?


  • The problem is, that # is indeed a valid character in an URL. It denotes the fragment part. As the fragment is always resolved by the useragent it is never sent to the server. You can try this:

    >>> import urllib3
    >>> urllib3.util.parse_url(fql_url)
    Url(scheme='https', auth=None, host='', port=None, path='/fql',
        query='q={"user_sex":"SELECT sex FROM user WHERE uid=me()","friends":"SELECT uid, name FROM user WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me()) AND not (sex in (SELECT sex FROM ',
        fragment='user_sex))  ORDER BY name"}')

    As you can see, the last part of your URL ended up being parsed as the fragment.


    The most convenient way would probably be to let requests do all the encoding.

    import requests
    s = requests.Session()
    s.params = {'access_token': 'foobarbaz'} # so you don't have to specify it every time
    query = ('{"user_sex":"SELECT sex FROM user WHERE uid=me()",'
             '"friends":"SELECT uid, name FROM user WHERE uid IN '
             '(SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me()) '
             'AND not (sex in (SELECT sex FROM #user_sex)) '
             ' ORDER BY name"}')
    s.get('', params={'q': query})