When parsing AST with visitor, how could visitor detect when scope changes? For example, when we are in Class node, we create Class scope, but how to detect when we leaving a class node, to close the scope?
1: Stmt_Class(
type: 0
extends: null
implements: array(
stmts: array(
0: Stmt_ClassMethod(
type: 1
byRef: false
params: array(
0: Param(
name: str
default: null
type: null
byRef: false
stmts: array(
0: Stmt_Return(
expr: Expr_FuncCall(
name: Name(
parts: array(
0: mysql_real_escape_string
name: null
args: array(
0: Arg(
value: Expr_Variable(
name: str
byRef: false
name: null
name: null
name: clear
name: Filter
Use a simple scope stack. When you enter a new scope, push a new scope representation to the stack, when you leave it - pop it.
The first scope on the stack would be pre-defined and hold things like language constants.
When looking up a reference iterate through the stack from top down.